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How IV Infusion Therapy Can Improve Immune Function

The vitamins and nutrients you consume through food profoundly and undeniably impact your well-being. High-quality, nutritious food — a variety of meat, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and fortified grains — can accommodate most dietary requirements.

But sometimes, a healthy diet or even vitamin and mineral supplements can fail to meet nutritional needs. Issues with digestive absorption, such as poor gut health, can limit the body’s ability to take on nutrients, as can a diet deficient in certain critical vitamins. 

When typical supplements cannot restore proper vitamin balance quickly enough or cannot provide long-term solutions, San Antonio Prime Wellness recommends IV infusion therapy. 

What Is IV Infusion Therapy?

IV (intravenous) therapy is a method of fluid administration that bypasses the digestive system. For most medications and supplements, the patient takes a pill orally. The substance then passes through the digestive system and the liver, then finally enters the bloodstream. 

Though this process is natural, not everyone benefits from this typical approach to medication and nutrition therapy. IV nutrient therapy offers a helpful alternative backed by modern medical techniques.

Mechanisms of Intravenous Therapy

Intravenous therapy bypasses the body’s natural barriers to deliver therapeutic materials into the bloodstream. When administered with our expertise, this method offers rapid, efficient absorption that relies on the circulatory system’s ability to spread beneficial substances throughout the body. 

We begin IV nutrient therapy with a small, sterile needle, which we insert into a vein (most often in the arm). We often use a thin plastic catheter to anchor the needle and maintain a secure connection throughout the IV treatment session. 

Whether we’re providing a shot of vitamins to bolster your immune system or supplements to promote mental clarity, the substance will be dissolved in a sterile fluid. We refer to this solution as an “IV drip.” 

IV drip therapy moves the drip into your bloodstream a few droplets at a time. We can carefully control the infusion rate to deliver precise nutrient volumes for your treatment. Most treatments take between half an hour and an hour. 

When You Should Use IV Therapy

We recommend vitamin IV therapy for clients who need 100% of the supplements they take to enter their bloodstream. Patients who need immediate results can also benefit from vitamin IV therapy, which delivers nutrients within seconds. 

For example, severe dehydration can cause significant complications in the kidneys or brain. In dire circumstances, emergency IV hydration therapy provides additional fluids — and therefore, dehydration relief — faster than drinking water. Rapid IV treatments mitigate potential long-term damage and enable faster recovery as they restore body fluids. 

While we do not offer emergency IV hydration therapy, we proudly offer a variety of tailored vitamin cocktails and hydration support to bolster our patients’ immune systems during flu season or disease breakouts. The immune system is strengthened when it receives an enormous dose of vitamins and minerals, which can combat infections or accelerate recovery. 

What Is IV Therapy Doing for the Immune System?

The immune system defends the body against various viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, and it relies on a diverse array of potent nutrients to construct that defense. Vitamin C, for example, promotes the creation of white blood cells, which act as the body’s primary defense against pathogens. White blood cells mark, hunt down, and consume pathogenic invaders. Once destroyed, pathogens can deal no further damage. 

Vitamin B12, along with other B-complex vitamins, promotes red blood cell production. While red blood cells carry oxygen, emerging research indicates they also play an important role in the immune response. 

Other necessary nutrients include zinc, which promotes a healthy inflammatory response, and antioxidants, which counter oxidative stress and reduce tissue damage to support the blood cells. If a sick client has a deficiency in one or more of these vitamins, they may experience a muted immune system response, which jeopardizes their ability to combat the infection. 

This reduced response intensifies the problems patients face when confronted with otherwise minor illnesses and can lead to further (or even permanent) complications. Alternatively, a client prone to abnormally severe infections over several years may be able to pinpoint vitamin deficiency as the primary cause. 

In either case, intravenous therapy introduces a rapid and effective solution that corrects vitamin deficiencies in minutes rather than days or weeks. Patients preparing to face a difficult flu season or recovering after a long-term infection can find immune support courtesy of IV infusion therapy. 

Other Benefits of Intravenous Therapy

IV therapy represents a potent answer to a diverse array of health problems. Patients who face long-term health concerns can receive efficient therapies that deliver relief and bypass waste created by digestive absorption failure. 

IV vitamin therapy cocktails support basic body functions to reduce fatigue and increase energy. Saline drips rehydrate the body and combat headaches and nausea.  

Our IV Treatments and Options for the Immune System

All patients have different needs, and we tailor our IV vitamin therapy options to help each client find an appropriate balance. These are just two of our most popular cocktails:

Prime Myers

The Prime Myers IV drip fortifies the immune system with a potent vitamin cocktail. This option also offers memory support, bone and nerve health boosts, and migraine prevention. 

Prime Immunity

Prime Immunity supports the immune system and promotes recovery from airborne illnesses, including the common cold. This focused treatment helps protect patients who need additional assistance before or during flu season. 

Certified IV Drip Therapy Experts in San Antonio, TX

Are you interested in the health benefits of professional IV therapy at San Antonio Prime Wellness? We encourage you to call (210) 361-3312 or reach out to us online to rejuvenate, revitalize, and realize your potential. 


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